
The Unexpected
Return of

Spray Deodorant

If you're anything like us, you likely remember spray deodorants from your youth. Those big aerosol cans shot out an icy blast of wet antiperspirant which made for the perfect post-gym-class weapon. Of course, we all eventually moved on to stick or gel-based sweat stoppers but the cans are back and honestly, they're pretty damn good. That's because these are nothing like the sprays of yesteryear. These new "dry spray" antiperspirants come in smaller, lighter and more ergonomic cans for starters. And inside? An innovative formula that comes out in a quick puff and dries instantly. For real, the stuff is dry on contact and won't rub off on your shirt. There's no wet gel or waxy stick build-up to rub off and stain your shirt. The spray stays put and does its job without quitting. The makers claim 48 hours worth of protection, but we still advise applying it everyday. Preferably after a shower. But we're old fashioned like that.


The Sprays

For Sensitive Skin

Dove Men+Care, $5.47

For Active Guys

Degree Men, $4.72

For Everyday

Axe White Label, $6.49


Spray deodorant is more popular in other parts of the world. Last year, sprays made up nearly half of all deodorant sales worldwide.