Personal Shopper


The Best
to Suit
Your Needs

When it comes to your choice of swimwear, there are a few considerations every man should make. First off, what are your concerns when it comes to stripping down to nearly nothing? Would you like to look taller? Slimmer? Do you want a pair that will comfortably allow you to swim and run and dive for a volleyball? Once you get that set, then you can decide on colors and prints. We've rounded up some of the best options on the market, to suit a range of your needs.


Look Taller

Look Taller

Look for square-cut shorts with more of a vintage vibe. The shorter inseam will make your legs look longer and thus make you appear taller.

Supremecy, $57

Gap, $39.95

J.Crew, $75 / $52.50

H&M, $24.99


Look Slimmer

Look Slimmer

Avoid elastic waistbands which pinch soft stomachs. Tailored cuts, darker colors and vertical stripes along the sides make for a leaner appearance.

Katin, $75

Aether, $115

Billabong, $49.95

Sundek, $120


Wear Anywhere

Wear Anywhere

These hybrid shorts work as well in the water as they do on dry land. Perfect for those long summer days when you find yourself going from the pool to lunch and back again.

Retromarine, $165

Howler Brothers, $65 / $45

Apolis, $108

RVCA, $60


For Active Guys

For Active Guys

Close-fitting trunks have a greater range of motion and offer more support where it counts than baggier board shorts, making them ideal for volleyball players or runners.

Onia, $195

Birdwell, $89.50

Bonobos, $88

Reyn Spooner, $75 / $50.50

Bather, $67.39

Worried You're Too Pale?

If you're still rocking a gray, wintery pallor, opt for a suit in the blue family. It's been proven that wearing shades of blue will make skin appear less pasty. That will help until you get some natural color.