The Handbook

Commit to Better Grooming Habits

Just because you've been getting yourself ready each morning for years, doesn't mean your technique couldn't use an update, right? If you're a regular Valet. reader, you might've heard a few of these before but let this be a reminder to up your grooming game and set a regular routine to look and feel your best. What's more, these new habits won't require any major changes, just some minor tweaks to what you've been doing already.

Instead of ignoring your hardworking hands ...

Start a routine for maintaining them. You don't need a manicure, but once a week—after a shower when the nails are soft—trim you nails with a clipper. Then rub in some hand lotion making sure to massage it into your cuticles to keep your hands smooth and healthy looking.


Instead of shampooing your hair everyday ...

Let a day or two pass between lathers. "I try not to shampoo my hair too much because it strips the natural oils and dries out your scalp," says Blind Barber's Jeff Laub. "Once every three days is fine—you can condition every other day and the rest of the time, just rinse with water to get the product out."


Instead of living with an oily, pore-clogged complexion ...

Use a mask to clear up problematic skin. Men have thicker and oilier skin than women, so it's easier for oil and dirt to get lodged into pores. A good mask will draw out impurities and soak up excess grease, leaving skin clearer.


Instead of neglecting your face at night ...

Smooth on some oil or a serum before going to bed. It takes no time at all to apply and they're extremely effective. Lightweight and moisturizing, they address practically every skincare concern out there, from wrinkles to acne.


Instead of going too long in-between haircuts ...

Set up a regular cutting schedule. You'll build a relationship with your barber and enjoy the relaxing break that sitting in the chair provides. (Some shops will even give you a deal since you're just getting a quick trim.) The best part? You don't even notice it's cut—your hair will consistently look the same. And that's the point.

Nose Hair Costs You Dates

It's been proven that women find unkempt nose hair more offensive than bad breath.